Class type Chartjs_streaming.streaming

method duration : int Js_of_ocaml.Js.optdef_prop

Duration of the chart in milliseconds (how much time of data it will show).

method ttl : int Js_of_ocaml.Js.optdef Js_of_ocaml.Js.prop

Duration of the data to be kept in milliseconds. If not set, old data will be automatically deleted as it disappears off the chart.

method delay : int Js_of_ocaml.Js.optdef_prop

Delay added to the chart in milliseconds so that upcoming values are known before lines are plotted. This makes the chart look like a continual stream rather than very jumpy on the right hand side. Specify the maximum expected delay.

method refresh : int Js_of_ocaml.Js.optdef_prop

Refresh interval of data in milliseconds. onRefresh callback function will be called at this interval.

method onRefresh : (Chartjs.chart Js_of_ocaml.Js.t -> unit) Js_of_ocaml.Js.callback Js_of_ocaml.Js.opt Js_of_ocaml.Js.optdef_prop

Callback function that will be called at a regular interval. The callback takes one argument, a reference to the chart object. You can update your datasets here. The chart will be automatically updated after returning.

method frameRate : float Js_of_ocaml.Js.optdef_prop

Frequency at which the chart is drawn on a display (frames per second). This option can be set at chart level but not at axis level. Decrease this value to save CPU power.

method pause : bool Js_of_ocaml.Js.t Js_of_ocaml.Js.optdef_prop

If set to true, scrolling stops. Note that onRefresh callback is called even when this is set to true.